Surfing for Youngest

  /  Surfing for Youngest

Surfing for Youngest

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Black Beaach, San diego


At a glance

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  • Camp, Board, Shoes
  • Tours start 9am daily
  • 4 hrs long tour
  • Party of 1 - $250

*Visit Sand Villa Website


By far one of the best clubs. Great Location and Numbers All the Coaches are very knowledgeable with heaps of experience, All very easy to approach. Students at the Club make great training partners and would not hesitate to help out. Overall a great Learning environment for all levels 10/10


At UTS Judo, we are not just about our judo matches. We are passionate about Judo, and how it will change your life, provide children with greater purpose, self discipline, and strength of character. We believe in our students and that through our efforts, we can help build a healthier, more responsible generation through the discipline of judo. We teach skills and values that will help you for years to come.

Building 4 UTS, 745 Harris St, Ultimo NSW 2007 Blackman Pk, Lloyd Rees Dr, Lane Cove West NSW 2066
Roman: 0411 504 677 Semir: 0411 530 125
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